These basic quality guidelines help authors, like you, make the most money from their articles. Following these guidelines makes articles get better visibility and more traffic, which essentially results in more article views and more revenue for you, the author.

Relevancy (use tags – yes, we allow them)
When submitting your content, use relevant titles and bold text highlights. You are allowed to use one <H1> title, two <H2> subtitles and three <B> bold text highlights per article. If used effectively, they do increase the overall article quality and relevancy. In addition, three relevant backlinks in the author resource box increase the relevancy as well and benefit the site they point to.
Priority (publish at ArticleKing prior the distribution)
When the article is intended for the distribution to other article directories, we highly recommend that it is published at ArticleKing first (the recommended timeframe is one week prior the distribution). When you publish at ArticleKing first, there is a better chance for your article becoming an authoritative content that would bring more traffic. And of course, more traffic means more revenue.